
2024. április 15–19.

Egyetemi Anyanyelvi Napok

2024. április 20.

Eötvös József Kárpát-medencei középiskolai szónokverseny

2024. április 24. – május 3.

A magyar nyelv hete




Nemzeti Kulturális Alap

Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság

Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság Magyartanári Tagozat

Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar Szakmódszertani Központ

Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtár és Információs Központ

2. 2008.

Abstracts in English


Nemesné Kis, Szilvia

Open questions of the first-language teaching of Gipsy students


The study discusses questions concerning the first-language teaching of the Gipsy minority in Hungary. The micro survey has been carried out in different age groups. The findings provide the basis for the present discussion. The results confirm the hypothesis that concerning their language skills Gipsy students fall behind their non-gypsy fellow students of the same age. In order to understand the complex issue of language disadvantage, the language norms of the Gypsy minority have to be explored. The author draws attention to the urgent need in education to compensate and prevent the language disadvantage of the Gypsy students falling more and more behind their non-gypsy fellow students.




Szabó, Kalliopé

Disfluency phenomena caused by uncertainty

in the spontaneous speech of eight-year-old children


In the speech development in children the first major phase of first language acquisition finishes around the age of seven when children enter school. The institutional teaching of the first language raises the children’s awareness of their language use and spontaneous speech. Spontaneous speech can be investigated in relation to disfluency phenomena. This paper studies the types and proportion of disfluency phenomena caused by uncertainty in the spontaneous speech of eight-year-old children. Furthermore, it discusses the results of quantitative and qualitative analyses. One main question is how the language use of children changes at school compared to the language use of children in kindergarden. Another question deals with the consequences of this change in the everyday practice of pedagogy.




Boronkai, Dóra

Conversation analysis and first-language teaching



After introducing the main trends in the research on spoken discourse, the study considers three aspects concerning the description of dialogues. The first dichotomy is spoken versus written discourse; the second one concerns the question of intention and spontaneity; the third one is contrasting monologic and dialogic discourse. The goal of the study is to describe dialogues from a functional-cognitive perspective – based on the three oppositions and on the results of conversation analysis. Moreover, it also aims to explore how the results can be used for pedagogical purposes.





Veszelszkiné Huszárik, Ildikó

Working with texts

Text comprehension with printed and digital resources


The study aims to show the difference between the comprehension of printed and digital texts. The reading material of the exercises presented in this paper is a feature article, a literary-journalistic mixed genre. The exercises have been written for students in their ninth to twelfth year in high school. They can be used both in the lessons at school or as activities outside the classroom. These comprehension tasks connected to information and communication techniques have been tested in practice. They demonstrate how the content of classroom learning has changed: the learning process has become the integration of knowledge elements from various perspectives.




Gonda, Zsuzsa

Using the interactive board (IWB) in first-language lessons


The study introduces the change in the technological environment, a major factor of the paradigm change in first-language teaching, and its effect on education. The interactive board is a teaching device with strong motivational force. Furthermore, it can be used in various ways in the lessons. The theoretical introduction of possible uses of the interactive board is followed by the detailed description of a first-language lesson. The lesson plan shows how this current device with digital content can be adopted for didactic purposes. The practical advantages of the interactive board are considered as well. Finally, the author’s teaching experience with the interactive board is presented. Attention is drawn to the important role of the interactive board in lifelong learning and in preparing students for the world of work.




Csájiné Knézics, Anikó & Szilvásiné Turzó, Ágnes

Methods of drama pedagogy in first-language lessons


The study introduces methods of drama pedagogy regularly used by two experienced teachers. It primarily presents games applicable to the discussion of readings. It introduces activities suitable to create and observe certain characters. The paper includes the description of aims, duration, resources and procedure of the activities, the creation of meaning, and the reflective questions of the teacher. Finally, it also considers further possibilities of using these methods in practice.




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